Erev Tov Sugar Tov!!! Welcome back to Camp Stone!!
For these next two very special and unique weeks (and, of course, hopefully never repeated again!) we will all join together for our favorite experiential learning and fun with our beloved and dedicated hadracha and tzevet!
500 campers have registered for Indoor World, the online 2-week online summer program by Roshei Moshava Shalhevet Schwartz, Elisha Kelman and Aryeh Klein. They have been working hard with 45 staff in camp and approx 100 around the world, preparing shiruim and chavrutot, chugim and peulot, videos and games – all to connect your children to Camp Stone this summer.
ki b’nafsheinu hu, Machane Stone – camp is in our hearts and souls…this summer more than ever!
Each eidah begins today, first with the whole camp for Opening Tochnit, and then alone as an eidah, with their friends and hadracha .
Each day your child can join in as much or as little as she/he wants – there will be learning, activities and games by bunk. The daily schedule is on the website under the special “Indoor World” tab. And join us each morning with the “Boker Tov Sugar Grove” radio show and daily challenges with prizes. Each camper has a package in the mail on the way! They will love it!!!
In addition to all of the programming for kids, all staff will be enriched and developed by the daily discussions about leadership and group dynamics AND by the live daily tzevet shiurim and pre-recorded short divrei torah videos by their favorite leaders around America and Israel. Our staff will gain as much, if not more, from these two weeks!
Get ready for an unprecedented experience, filled with just as much idealism, creativity and passion as you have found in every other summer! Indoor World….here we come!!