Our last day of Indoor World 🙁
This has been such a unbelievable fun two weeks – really unbelieveable! Who would have thought we could have engaged over 500 chanichim and over 150 hadracha and tzevet? Everyone has been learning, having fun, singing, participating, connecting with each other and trying to unlock that lock-box in the care package 🙂
This is the final day – a day with a ChallengePalooza!! Lots of new challenges for points. Remember first place in the Individual League wins a gazeebo named after him/her!!!
There were two hours of final Chugim today, a last bunk time and a closing program happening tonight at 8:30!! Please have your children be present for this closing ceremony. We want to say goodbye in a meaningful way!
Estee and Yakov met with all of the hadracha and tzevet, at a closing circle, earlier today. Our directors thanked them for all of their dedication, creativity and passion! Many of them shared their highlights from these past two weeks, expressing how meaningful and inspiring it has been to provide such exciting and creative educational and experiential programming to our beloved campers. They received as much (or more!) than they gave and loved seeing how happy your children were and how much fun this has been for them.
We will, G-d willing, be together next year. Until then…blogging out for now…Continue to stay healthy and focus on what is good! Ki B’nafshenu hu Machane Stone!!
P.S. All tzevet shiurim and Lightning Round short Torah videos are for you to enjoy and learn from! Click here for hours of inspiration!