Wednesday June 26
The Village is up and running peulot all day!! Let me explain: each summer we have a very special corner of camp that hosts activites related to such arts as blacksmithing, glassblowing, wood working and baking in a brick oven. This session the village is called Talpiot and represents the neighborhood in Jerusalem which hosts many businesses, factories and warehouses. The chanichim are creating projects with our staff as well as with a professional glass blower and blacksmith – I will leave the nature of the project as a surprise, of course 🙂 In addition to these special “lost arts” we have a planetarium (yes, a real one), first-aid instruction (like MADA in Israel) and a workshop about water filtration. Everything is contextualized within the historical period we are in, 1947-1979. Hopefully, with that informaton, when you view pictures online you will hopefully understand more of what you are seeing. It is definitely the most hands-on experiential learning your child has ever done!
Kaytana had their Yetziat Mitzrayim today by doing some fun water activties in the lake and went on to prepare for Matan Torah by making chumash book-covers.
Machal walked an 8-mile trail, known as Tracey Ridge, in the Allegheny forest, and then slept outside in those Great Outdoors.