Wednesday, August 9
Eidot Alef – Daled continue to work hard, play hard, and “cook hard” at the Machane Chutz today!
Each group (plugah) of campers is led by a few Eidah Daled campers, and they spent hours and hours at the annual Camp Stone chutz celebration of campfire-cooked brunch foods. The entire camp enjoyed making and eating toast, grilled cheese, French toast, vegetables, and many different varieties of eggs today.
Playing hard included lots of frisbee, spikeball, catch, beading, and braiding going in the fields and under the tents at the Chutz site 🙂 There are also trips back and forth to work on projects in the Village and to Susim –  for horseback riding. The weather has been glorious, and it has been a fabulous day for the machane! Enjoy all the photos in our Gallery. Our professional photographer came and took a lot of pictures, and those can be found in their own special folder 🙂
Machal spent the day in DC, at the Holocaust Musuem and at the Smithsonians.