Wednesday, August 7/3 Av
Boker Tov Sugar Grove! We have another busy, crazy, amazing day here!
This morning, the entire camp woke up and walked straight back to the Chutz. Today’s schedule consists of Shacharit, breakfast, Shiur (special Chutz edition), followed by the Never Ending Breakfast. This is a fun tradition that happens every summer, where around lunch time, the Eidah Daled Roshei Plugah lead their groups in making breakfast food for the rest of the day. They make eggs, french toast, pancakes, really whatever they want. This is one of the parts of the competition that is judged by the Roshei Moshava and Roshei Eidah Daled. The best pluga will be announced at Mifkad on Friday.
Tzevet and Hadracha are also at the Chutz and are having a great time with their peers and campers.
Today, Kaytana concluded. These first time campers had a final Mifkad this morning and are currently on their way home. We are so excited to see them back next summer as Eidah Aleph.
Also today, the Camp Stone-FIDF Program began. Camp Stone is running a joint week-long program with the FIDF, where kids from Israel who lost a parent or sibling either on or after October 7, have joined us here in camp. We are very excited to welcome them. They will have some of their own programming and will also be joining older Eidot for some activities later this week. It is a tremendous zechut to have this group with us this summer. The group has a joint Camp Stone-FIDF staff, with former Roshim Yonatan Weiss and Danna Zlatin (who also served in the IDF) as the leaders of the program.
Machal left for their Virginia trip on Saturday night. We are hearing awesome updates from them. Everyone is having a great time and we are excited to see them this Shabbat.