Camp Blog

Wednesday, August 17 – Color War Day 2

DATE: August 18, 2022

Color War Day 2:

The fun continued for another day here as Team Chachamei Sefarad and Team Chachamei Ashkenaz battled it out.

We woke up and had camp-wide mifkad again. Each team gave one of the divrei torah (the biur tefilah, halacha yomit, and the sha’at shu’t) at their respective minyanim. Breakfast was run by tzevet again, and they are having fun with a “Retro” theme, which they have been having a lot of fun with — let’s just say that breakfast food was delivered on roller skates!

Our shiurim yesterday were about Chachamei Sefarad, the medieval rabbinic scholars of Spain and the Spanish diaspora (which is the namesake of one color war team). In shiurim, the chanichim learned about the particular style of study of these rabbis, and how their method of learning leads to halakhic conclusions, which were ultimately codified by Rav Yosef Caro in the Shulhan Arukh. Today in shiurim, the chanichim learned about the namesake of the other color war team, Chachamei Ashkenaz, the medieval rabbinic scholars of France and Germany, such as Rashi, and the Tosafot. We learned about their method of Torah study, and the ways it was different from Chachamei Sefarad.

The morning was competitive sporting events again, but in the afternoon, we had some new activities today like Chidon (questions about all the shiurim the chanichim have learned this session) and our relay race, which involves so many chanichim all stationed at different places in camp ready to do the task they have.  Some examples are wheelbarrowing, potato sack jumping, arranging books in the beit midrash by chronological order of authorship, piggy-backing, etc.

Later in the evening, after dinner, we enjoyed “the final presentations.” Each team had to present a boys’ rikud (dance), a skit, a girls’ glow dance (so cool!!), a daglanut (“flag dance”), a team song, and four Melechet Yad projects: a wooden sign with their name (their “shelet”), a designed and painted mechitza (based on their team theme), a painted garbage can, and a painted set of corn-hole boards  (an outdoor game…)

The energy in Indoor World during presentations was really high! The chanichim were really into it, with lots of team pride (i.e. loud cheering!) and impressive respect for the other team’s presentations! It’s been a long night, and it will take a few minutes to finish tallying all the scores from two days’ worth of events, but… at the end of the day, it can NOT be a tie… But you’ll have to tune in tomorrow to find out which team won…

p.s. kids were all looking forward to Late Kima (wake-up) tomorrow morning.

Registration for summer 2025 opens 10/1/24 for returning families, 11/1/24 for new families.

Please contact Randi Mashmoor with any questions at:

or 440-465-5486. Thank You!

Staff application opens on 11/17.

New camper application opens on 11/1. Returning campers can register now.

Available positions for Summer 2025 are limited!
We are no longer accepting applications from Current 11th graders for Second Session, or Israeli applicants.

For questions, please email:

Registration for summer 2023 is now closed. There are a few select spots remaining.
Please contact Randi Mashmoor at:

or 440-465-5486. Thank You!

About the Chanukah Raffle

Dear Camp Stone Community,

It is an incredible feeling to reconnect with everyone once again at the beginning of our 2021 camp season.

We are writing to you today, first and foremost, to express tremendous gratitude.

Hakarat HaTov, literally “recognizing the good”, is an important and fundamental principle in our community. We, at Camp Stone, want to express our Hakarat HaTov to everyone receiving this email for your unwavering support, especially this past summer. Whether you provided financial assistance through your donated tuition dollars, participated in Indoor World, or connected with the Camp Stone community in other ways, together we had an incredibly successful, albeit different, summer experience.

There is no substitute for being in Sugar Grove, Pennsylvania, and this summer, B’ezrat Hashem, we will be back at Camp Stone, in person, in full force.

To achieve that goal, we must continue to ensure the financial success of our home away from home that we all know and love so deeply. The logo on top, featuring the slogan “Stone. Forever.” also features a Ner Tamid, an “eternal flame.” The year 1969, etched into the logo, is the year camp was founded. Symbolically, the overall image represents the idea that Camp Stone began many years ago and must endure forever, always burning brightly, and always an integral part of our collective conscience.

On that note, we are excited to announce that our annual Chanukah Campaign will be a raffle taking place over all 8 nights of Chanukah with prizes for both campers and parents/alumni!!

Please go back to the web page  to purchase raffle tickets and help us achieve 100% participation from our entire camp community!

Looking forward to being in touch with all of you in the near future.


Yakov & Estee, Co-Directors