Tuesday June 29
Today’s shiur was about King David’s sin (we kept it pg-13 and just said he wanted to marry someone’s else’s wife, so he had that man killed in war by placing him on the front line) and the role of the navi in keeping the ego of a king in check. We learned about the analogy that the prophet Natan gave David and how that was the most effective and most gentle way of telling him that he had sinned. That a king is kept in line by a navi is a very powerful statement about the limits of a king in the Jewish nation. For younger campers, the conversation was about how to tell someone they did something wrong in a way where he/she won’t be defensive. For the older campers, the discussion focused more on ego and the dangers of a king and other powerful positions, when people thing they are above the law or are not capable of making mistakes.
After everyone had shiur and nikayon (clean-up in the bunk, which happens every day after breakfast) the chanichim made their way to aruchat-eser (quick morning snack, usually served around 11:00, not 10:00 but you get the point) when all of a sudden the drama between Shaul and David, that has been unfolding before our eyes, started up again….Shaul was chasing David at lunch yesterday, but now David had Shaul cornered (see Shmuel 1 perek 24) down at the agam and everyone had followed and was watching, and just when things were getting heated…a Rosh Eidah flew across the agam (our lake) on the zipline with a sign that read: We’re going to the CHUTZ!!
Campers started running back to their bunks to pack for the 2.5 day sleep-out where we relax, play in nature, cook some meals on the fire and have a great time! We were able to get through most of the day at our chutz site, and the chanichim were really enjoying it all, but then a rain storm rolled in and cut it short. Everyone retuned to camp quickly and dinner was served “back at home” The weather looks a bit rainy for the next few days, but if we can take the chanichim back out for a day, we will!
Make-up machal continued their hiking and canoeing in Virgina.
Machal went to a small amusement park in Altoona today (rented the whole thing out!) and then made dinner at their campgrounds.