Tuesday, June 20
Welcome everyone!! We could not be more excited to be showcasing our magical summer adventures and learning experiences! Check back here at the end of each day (sometimes very late, so maybe check in with your morning coffee, about the previous day) to learn about the experiential education taking place here.
This month our main campus will be learning about the years 70-500, after the Romans destroyed our Beit haMikdash. Moshevet Torah sheBe’al Peh, with all of its struggles post-Temple. The chanichim from Eidot Alef – Daled were thrown right into the drama, when they stepped off the buses. Immediately, they were led around to three skits (and a fourth station with some fun Eidah get-to-know-you games). The skits taught them about the period right before the Jews’ Temple was destroyed.
In one skit, Rav Tzadok was on a hunger strike, trying to motivate the Jews to repent. Some got into his message and supported him, while others protested and didn’t want to hear his rebuke. The chanichim made signs for each side of the protest (and then walked around camp with them!)
In the second skit, chanichim were given Italian food like sausages, pizza-flavored pringles and Italian ices as they watched the Romans try to sell off the role of the High Priest to the highest bidder.
In the third skit, the roman Ceasar tried to command the Jews to follow his instructions (in a game we like to call Ceasar Says) but the Jews all rebelled when he said to give him their food. Instead they wanted HIS food, which was granola bars and juice boxes 🙂
At the end of all the skits, all eidot came together and watched Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakkai (their Rosh Moshava this session, Isaac Abboudi) as he was snuck out of Jerusalem and brought to Vespasian (Rosh Moshava Aliza Berkowitz) to plead for something to be done to help the Jews. Vespasian granted Rabbi Yochanan three requests: he asked for the city Yavneh to be spared with all of her sages, for Rabbi Tzadok to receive medical treatment and for the Romans to leave Rabban Gamliel alone. Vespasian agreed – yay!! And then we all went to daven Mincha 🙂
Next, time was given for the beginnig of unpacking, followed by a delicious dinner of chicken, rice and vegetables and then every bunk settled in for some bonding and… ultimately… sleep. We are so excited for Day #1 tomorrow!! The hadracha (all counselors) are so excited to give these children a fun, safe, and meaningful four weeks!
Kaytana had their own welcome program. They were led down the road, in a wagon ride, to visit Avraham’s home. They saw Avraham and his father Terach arguing about idols. When Terach stepped away, Avraham convinced the Kaytana campers to help him smash the idols (pinatas, wink wink), and they joined in – and were rewarded with candy! They ate dinner right away, unpacked and settled in for their first night, a.k.a. sleepover party. Throughout their short two-week stay, they will learn about/from/with our Avot and Imahot, “go down” to Egypt, be taken out and be given Torah. Get ready for a quick sprint through the stories of Chumash! Thank you to Alex Fisher and Yonina Marder who will be leading these young campers through an exciting two weeks, that will have them wanting a full month next year!
Machal began their powerful month with a silent hike and their “shelet-eish.” This is a very traditional ceremony where they see their shevet name (KAVEH) in flames as the kick-off to their time together in this intense camp experience. Their Roshim are Adina Falk and Elliot Berdy, two very experienced Camp Stoners. They are getting a good night sleep, in preparation for their first hike tomorrow.