Tues June 10 – Color War Day 2
It feels like we are in a week-long color way. Everyone is busy and the day is packed with activities, meetings and meals & marches 🙂
Today’s schedule was more sporting events, a really fun apache race that takes over an hour to complete and involves so many chanichim at all the stops and challenges all over camp. A baton is passed between participants after they complete their task. It is a highlight of Color War! We also had a chidon for chanichim who could answer questions on Torah, holidays, tefillah and halacha.
Tonight, after dinner, we all enjoyed watching each team’s presentations – including Team Tzevet’s entertaining presentations.
Each team had to showcase a song, a boys’ rikud, a skit, a girls’ stomp and 4 art projects: a shelet (sign/banner on wood), a painted garbage can for camp, a painted side of a mechitza for the indoor Beit Knesset and 3 bencher holders for the Chadar Ochel.
It was amazing to see all the talent, creativity and participation that chanichim brought to this night of presentations. So many points were at stake here!!
And the winner was…haTzohar (“the blue team”)!!!