Thursday, August 8/4 Av
Today was another busy day in Camp Stone. We had our second night where we slept on the Chutz – all enjoyed, it was lots of fun! Our Eidah Daled Roshei Pluga were amazing!
After waking up, we davened, ate breakfast, and had shiur, and at about that time, it began to rain – just in time for us to walk back to camp.
After walking back to camp, each bunk was given time to unpack, get settled and shower off the smell of the Chutz.
Then, we started regular peulot (activities), had Mincha & lunch, more peulot, and at Shekem, while everyone thought the rest of the day would be normal, the Roshei Moshava broke out Ice Skating!!!!
Eidot Aleph, Vav, & Bet left first, followed by Gimmel and Daled going later.
The FIDF program got off to a great start! They joined the Chutz for part of the day and will be joining some of the older kids on their hikes tomorrow.
Machal left Virginia and will be heading back to camp tomorrow!