Sunday June 23
Shavua Tov to all curious parents reading this blog, missing your children and feeling FOMO đ
Our chanichim and tzevet had an amazing, song-filled, dance-filled, fun-filled Shabbat…and heat-filled as well. (The muggy hot weather has finally broken today, in the wake of a light rain, b”h!) We enjoyed a beautiful Kabbalat Shabbat Friday evening, with loud singing and energetic dancing – and with new chairs in the Indoor Beit Knesset that are comfortable and easily stackable for the times we dance right there in Shul. The dancing in the Chadar Ochel was strong for a first Shabbat too, while some newcomers are still learning the order of songs and the dance moves. The next day, after our Shabbat lunch and mincha, we had our very special chavruta time! Each staff member (each and every one!!) learns with a camper or two for 45 min. Sheets have been prepared for this chavruta session (by this blogger, actually!) with some sources (on tefilah, pirkei Avot, sefer Yonah, various mitzvot and middot etc) with discussion questions and a guide for learning. The camp grounds are full of pairs and small groups learning and talking – it is one of the most special times of the week here at machane. Everyone then had some menucha and eidah time, followed by seudah shilshit, another favorite here.: eating, shmoozing, ice cream for dessert and extremely bonding and uplifting singing! We literally count down the days until we can enjoy another Shabbat in machane.
We had a few extra minutes of sleep last night and began our day with a shiur on the question of integrating culture and secular studies into our life. Back in the day, in the period of history we are studying, there was a disagreement about this issue. The chanichim learned about the different voices back then and discussed what a balanced life might look like. Each bunk had a peulah today called “Bunk Time” where they prepped for the night activity where each bunk presents its name and then shows the sign they made to reflect the name AND some sort of presentation (a dance, a song, a skit etc). The bunk names reflect the period of history we are learning about: names, places and books from the year 900-1500. For example, we have: Rav Hai Gaon, Rav Saadia Gaon, Rashi, Rashbam, Cordova, Provence, Arba Turim and Sefer haMaor.
Kaytana learned about Yaakov and Eisav today and then had slip n’ slide, basketball, baking, ultimate frisbee and a Teva (nature) peulah where they made “lemonana” (an icy lemonade with mint leaves). These youngest cmpers are taking it all in stride! They look comfortable and happy, and we are so proud of them.
Machal headed out this morning for a 9 mile hike with a picnic stop outisde a cheese factory. They “set up” camp tonight at our Machal Chutz site and grilled hamburgers for dinner.