Camp Blog

Sunday July 3

DATE: July 4, 2022

Shavua Tov!!
We had a wonderful Shabbat, with the ruach even stronger than last week – the participation in all of the singing and dancing opportunities was close to 100%.

We are so grateful to have Dr. Yael Ziegler with us for a few days this weekend.  Dr. Ziegler is a well-known beloved Tanach teacher who travels all over the world. She is the Rosh Batei Midrash and Academic Director at Matan in Jerusalem and author of two books (on Rut and Eicha) published by Koren. She has been giving shiurim to our staff, and they are enjoying every opportunity they have with her.  What a special treat! Over 100 people packed the Beit Midrash for parsha shiur (everyone else was teaching parsha shiur to the chanichim or doing toranut and setting up for lunch)

Eidot Aleph – Daled learned about the Anshei Knesset haGedola today, i.e. our national shift from prophecy towards chachamim (our sages), Halacha and development of Oral Law. They were able to move the Jewish nation beyond the destruction of the temple which devastated us. The chanichim saw the Anshei Knesset haGedola in action during lunch. They sat in the middle at a table (looking a lot like their Roshei Moshava and Roshei Eidah, to be honest) answering questions that were being brought to them from the people.

Today was Chugim day and the campers were able to spend the last peulah of the day at one of the 25 fun and creative activities that tzevet run for them three times a week.

Night Tochnit was a fun camp-wide “Junk Wars” where chanichim brought, to Indoor World, the most random and odd objects from their bunk and around camp and then offered it for different categories (most likely to… or used for…) It was fun for everyobe and so funny at some points!

Kaytana had the most fun day at Midway – the small (very kid-friendly) amusement park nearby. They went on rides and slides and bumper boats etc for hours and hours. Their time in Camp Stone has flown by and is coming to an end. We cannot believe they will be packing up soon!

Machal went to Niagara Falls today and to the (new) Underground Railroad Heritage Center in Niagara Falls, NY. They were extremely moved by the museum and the history of the underground railroad. They had a meaningful sicha there about differences within our larger communities. They traveled back home for a good night’s sleep.

Rumors are flying about the Chutz being any day now….stay tuned!!