Sunday July 2
This morning we learned about the writing down of the Oral Law as Mishnah, by Rabbi Yehuda haNasi. There was a prohibition to write it down, but the time came when we could either write it or lose it. It was interesting to talk about how sometimes there are exceptions to the rule and/or sometimes one has to break a small rule to save the whole greater system. Some shiur groups went over the 6 sedarim (orders) of mishna and talked about some of the 63 masechtot (tractates).
Later on during the afternoon shekem time, Roshei Eidah walked around and gave out texts from mishnayot, and then chanichim had to gather together if they were holding pieces of mishna from the same masechet. They literally/physically put together the mishna!
Due to the refreshing morning drizzle, some bunks had indoor fun peulot like “just dance,” human battleship, baking and “lip sync battles” while others embraced the wet and had fun with slip and slide. Baruch Hashem for our Indoor World basketball courts where basketball continued through the rain, and everyone stayed dry under the cover/tent.
Tonight’s camp-wide panoply, played by Eidah, was a fun way to work on puzzles, challenges and trivia together as a bunk, as well as be tested on some Mishna-knowledge for those who have been listening 😉
Kaytana made it to the Promised Land (the 40 years in the desert basically flew by, over Shabbat), and in Camp Stone that means…trip to Midway Park, a really fun kiddie amusement park 40 min away. The hours on rides, in bumper cars and at the arcades was way more fun for our Roshei Kaytana to oversee than the 14 years of battle and conquering that Yehoshua led!! We cannot believe tomorrow is the last full day for our Kaytana chanichim and chanichot : (
Machal drove to Buffalo, visited Niagara Falls and the Underground Railroad Heritage Musuem (and discussed the responsibility we have to create equitable societies) and then had a fun time at Splash Lagoon (amazing indoor water park). They are driving onwards and forwards to D.C.
Shavua Tov!!