Camp Blog

Sunday, August 19th

DATE: August 19, 2018

Shavua Tov from Machane Stone!

We had a beautiful & uplifting final shabbat. The Kabbalat shabbat, onegs, parsha skits, halacha Q & A, tefillot, slow shira, chavrutot, chaburot, singing, cheering, dancing, Eidah time, Stone Trivia, Menucha,  & Havdallah were full of energy and excitement as the campers maximized their final shabbat together. The ruach, singing, dancing, learning, cheering, & bonding were so incredibly strong – enough to keep our campers inspired & full of Stone spirit to last for 48 weeks!

Last night the campers celebrated Motzei Shabbat with wonderful activities, including Spa night, Night Swim, Upsherin Party (for a tzevet member in desperate need of a haircut 🙂 ), Lip Sync Dance Party & Sports Activities.

Today, after shiur, nikayon, and an exciting “breakout”, the campers are having a wonderful tiyul to a park with boating and wide open space for sports and hanging out. Tonight there will be an exciting surprise at camp waiting for them when they return!

*Machal* celebrated a beautiful shabbat with the rest of the Machane and had a wonderful Cake-War Party in honor of their beloved Rosh – Galya – who is making aliyah, a “Galiyah Party”! Today they are hiking to a local ice-cream parlor and will have a big Chavrutah-fest in which they are all paired up and learn together. They will also discuss the values and unique experience of being a tzevet member next year BH!