Sunday, August 13
Shavua Tov from Sugar Grove!
Our third shabbat was perfect – everyone is familar now with all of our songs and tunes in tefilah, in the chadar ochel during zemirot and during the shira at seudah shlishit. The dancing is all coming together beautifully by now as well, with everyone familar with the steps and the rythm. It was a beautiful Shabbat from mifkad through havdalah, and all chavrutot after lunch met, despite a few sprinkles. Many chavrutot take from the sheets that are provided each Shabbat – Pirkei Avot, a chapter from Sefer Yona (never too early to prepare for Yom Kippur!), delving into a tefilah, mitzvah, or character trait and many many more fun options. Towards the end of Shabbat, we heard a powerful story from Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, chaplain at NYU.
Today, many of the unique Peulot (activities) and Chugim (evening electives) will be meeting – don’t forget to check out Yakov Fleischmann’s Camp Stone instagram page for some pics and videos, from a different POV.
We are all just waiting for the fourth week Color War Breakout…When will it be already? What will the teams be? Something related to Torah sheB’al Peh, for sure …hmm… Any guesses?
Machal headed out last night for their big canoeing trip in Virginia. This challenging and super fun trip is such an impactful, bonding, meaningful few days, and we cannot wait to see them back here and hear all about it! They were so excited and spent the whole day Friday packing their bags — and all of their snacks and equipment, so they could leave right after havdalah.