Sunday Aug 4
Shavu Tov! We are off and running here…to the Chutz! Eidot Aleph – Daled left after Aruchat Eser to set up our machane a mile away. They will live there for two and a half days, enjoying peulot, making meals on a fire, davening in the outdoors and having shiur on the grass. This is a highlight for many chanichim and tzevet! You will love the pictures 🙂
Kaytana also left camp today…for Midway Amusement Park. They were like the spies going into Israel to check it out! Turns out it is very good 🙂 They came back with positive reports, like Yehoshua and Calev. Tonight, they worked hard on creating beautiful Chumash covers for the chumashim they are bringing home.
Machal, too “hit the road” – on their way to DC. They started with bike riding at Presque Isle. Then on to Pittsburgh, where they heard from a Muslim gentleman who spoke about responding as a community to the tragedy at Tree of Life and an intolerance for hate. They ended the day with a fun, but challenging, activity – rock climbing.
Signing off for now…new blogger will be posting for the last two weeks. Enjoy the peek you receive at the magical world your children are in!