Monday June 27
Today’s shiur was about Daniel living in Bavel, making a kiddush Hashem, as he and his friends proclaimed the Jewish G-d as the one G-d and were the subject of miracles. He, like Yosef and Esther, rose in the ranks in the foreign governement and became a well-respected interpreter of dreams. The chanichim discussed life in galut and what it means when we are asked to represent Hashem to the world.
Kaytana learned about Yosef and his colored coat…and made their own tie-dyed garment!!
Machal hiked “the lower gorge”, a long and beautiful hike and then set up camp for their chutz – they will live, eat, sleep, and learn outside for a few days. The rest of machane will get to that later in the month 🙂
Eidot aleph-daled had bunk night tonight which means that at some point during the day they had a a chance to work on a shelet (wooden square that gets painted) with their bunk name and prepare an interesting and fun way to present it during night tochnit and explain who the person was. Pictures will be uploaded and you’ll see the creativity! (Some chose to do a song, some a skit etc.)
As promised yesterday: let’s discuss The Village, which opened yesterday.
Each summer we have 6-8 activities that happen under the trees in an area of camp we call The Village. We have a brick oven, a planetarium, a glass-blowing workshop and a blacksmithing gazebo. This summer our village is called Modiin, the area in Israel where Rabbi Yehuda haNasi died and where the Jews fought the Greeks. The chanichim are making beautiful projects (they are a surprise but each have to do with Shabbat) in blacksmithing (with our professional blacksmith Justin) and in glass-blowing (with our professional glass-blower Rich). They are learning about the Jewish calendar and how/why we sometimes add an Adar (like we did this past year) in the planetarium and with the challenge of an escape room. They are also pressing olives and making oil, creating mosaic art and spinning and weaving wool. The Village peulot are unique to Camp Stone and give our chanichim a chance to “go back in time” to the period we are studying and learn about the arts and culture of that time in history. And it is such a fun and meaningful opportunity to be creative and engage in experiential learning in the most hands-on way!