Monday July 4
Our camp is living through the division of the Jewish people into two kingdoms, in a very real way. We have Malchut Yehuda (Eidot Bet and Gimmel) led by Rechavam, son of Shlomo. And we have Malchut Yisrael (Eidot Aleph, Vav and Daled), led by Yeravam We are feeling color war in the air, but no real color war yet. This is the week though, so stay tuned…
Chugim met this afternoon, and everyone enjoyed the activity they had already signed up for.
Just as Yeravam created his own holiday for the people to celebrate, so too the chanichim had to work together, as a bunk, to create their own holidays. During their night tochnit, meeting by eidah, each bunk presented their holiday: its name, theme, ritual and special bracha. Some examples: Yom Water Sports, Yom Nap Time and Shreckot (a day pretty much all about…yup, Shreck)
Eidah Daled had their night activity early and then went out to Tops’ supermarket for a quick trip 🙂
Make-up Machal said goodbye to half of the group today and tomorrow the other half leave 🙁 This was an unbelievable success – they had a mini-machal experience and it was 110% worth the time here! They formed a wonderful bond that will be revisited next summer, by many, when they are working here as tzevet. They discussed community, leadership and our camp values, and we look forward to their being madrichim, madrichot and tzevet in 1 year.
Machal left for their week in Virgina. They will spend the next few days hiking the Blue Ridge mountains and canoeing down the James River.