Monday July 3
As Machal continues their adventurous week in Algonquin…
Kaytana had their last day here 🙁
They had their favorite peulot in the morning and then had to spend a few hours packing up their stuff. But tonight, it is back to fun n’ games with a carnival!!! A blow up castle and snow cones and music and more!! Best night!! We all emjoyed watching our youngest campers loving camp and getting into all the cheering and fun! They can definitely do this camp thing and we hope they all come back next summer 🙂 They all head out tomorrow morning with projects, a gift from camp and lunch and snacks for the road. Nesiah Tova!!
The rest of Machane had to watch the second Beit haMikdash (well technically the shekem shack) be attacked by Romans (well, technically members of tzevet) and then experience the trauma of galut 🙁
Well, technically…THE CHUTZ!!
The campers were excited to pack up and hit the road…they will set up camp for two nights and almost three days at a site we use every year about a mile away. They will daven, cook meals (or eat what the mitbach sends) and have shiur and peulot there… We also have a special treat this year: Yehuda Katz, a musician from the band Reva L’Sheva is visiting camp and will host a kumzits tonight and give a concert tomorrow night!
Look for pictures of your children from this highlight experience of the summer!! Imagine the smell of campfire as you look through pictures 🙂