Camp Blog

Monday, July 26

DATE: July 26, 2021

Agree to disagree? This morning’s shiurim explored decision making and disagreement among the rabbis of the Talmud (ChaZa”L). The chanichim explored the different approaches to machloket (disagreements) in Torah, and responses to the question of authority — Rabban Gamliel sought unity in halakhic practice, while Rabbi Akiva was more open to different interpretations in halakha.

These issues came to life today, when, before mincha, Rabbi Yehoshua (one of the roshei eidah, or division heads) arrived to declare that the berakha on quiche is haMotzi; Rabban Gamliel (Rosh Beit Midrash Shlomi) publicly declared him to be wrong! This led to Rabban Gamliel  losing his place as the Rosh Yeshiva — and a new Rosh Beit Midrash (staff member Abner playing the role of Rabbi Elazar ben Azaryah) was appointed — all chanichim were invited to attend Abner’s installation ceremony at Shekem!

It was a beautifully sunny day here in Sugar Grove, and the chanichim enjoyed the gorgeous weather with a full day of activities, including susim (horseback riding), water activities in the agam (lake), and soccer. The sounds of sanding and chiseling wood were audible in the village, as chanichim crafted their own mezuzot.

Today’s schedule assigned each bunk a peulah to prep for “Bunk Night,” which is tonight’s night tochnit. Each bunk learned about their bunk name (names such as Bavli, Yerushalmi, Beit Shammai, Yavneh, and Reish Lakish) and then designed and painted a wooden sign (a shelet) and created an original song or skit to perform tonight for the rest of their eidah. Each bunk displayed an incredible amount of creativity!

Kaytana lived through the story of Yosef and his brothers today! They studied the story in the humash this morning in their shiur, and then it came to life! They re-enacted Yosef’s ketonet pasim (striped coat of many colors) by tie-dying t-shirts, and later went to Camp Stone’s very own planetarium to experience the stars, sun, and moon in Yosef’s dream. They also had super fun swimming in the pool!

Machal hiked the shorter leg of the “gorge hike” today, and spent the evening relaxing and bowling in a rented-out bowling alley.