Monday, August 2
“We’re taking this Torah to chutz la’aretz!”
This morning in shiur, the chanichim experienced the Mishnah in action as Rav brought Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi’s newly completed Mishnah to Bavel. After brainstorming as many Pesach rules and details as they could recall from their family Seder, the chanichim hunted for matches between this list of practices and the pesukim about the Pesach holiday in the Torah. The matching game was tough, with so many details on their list missing or unclear!!! After peeking at the relevant Mishnayot, the chanichim gained an appreciation for how the Oral Torah functions in translating the written Torah into real life practice.
The entire Machane witnessed the bringing of the Mishna to Bavel, as the Rosh Moshava (dressed as a giant book of Mishna) zip-lined across the agam — to Bavel. And bringing Torah she-ba’al Peh (Oral Torah) to chutz la’aretz (outside of Israel) means… the entire Machane is going on the CHUTZ! The campers packed their things and headed out of camp for our two-night overnight. After the campers settled into their temporary home in the great outdoors, the chanichim experienced a beautiful Chutz evening — featuring hot dogs and corn on the cob cooked over campfires, outdoor tefillah, an outdoor movie, and stargazing with views of the Milky Way, as well as Jupiter and Saturn through a telescope on a crystal clear night.
Kaytana spent their last full day in Machane Stone today! With the rest of the campers away on the Chutz, Kaytana ruled the camp! They picked activities across the entire camp, visited the “Stonewear Shop” to find a sweatshirt, pajama pants, or other Stonewear to take home, and they celebrated the end of an amazing two weeks with an evening carnival in “Indoor World.” It has been an amazing two weeks with this incredible group of kids, and we will be sad to see them go tomorrow! Nesiya tova, and see you next year!