Monday August 12/8 Av – Erev Tisha B’Av
Hi Everyone! I just wanted to send a quick update before the fast starts here.
Today was a normal day, with regular peulot, but without music or swimming peulot, until after Shekem, when campers went to take showers, followed by dinner, where everyone had tacos with fake meat and cereal. At the end of dinner, eggs, bread, and ashes were passed out, and each bunk went back to their bunkhouse to eat and finish preparing for the tzom.
Tonight, we will daven Maariv in the Outdoor Beit Knesset, followed by the reading of Eicha in the Indoor Beit Knesset. We walk by bunk and anaf and sing “Al Eleh Ani Bochiya”, taken from Eicha. We will hear Eicha, say a few Kinnot, and have a “Round Robin”, where Tzevet present the stories of the Kinot to the campers.
Wishing everyone a Tzom Kal, and we are all hoping and davening for nechama and geula for all of Am Yisrael.