This morning, although there was a light rain, we woke up on time at 7:30, because we knew there was a long day of peulot and packing ahead of us!
Shiur was a review game. Each group separated into two teams and had to take all the events we learned about this session and put them in chronological order along a time line! It is amazing what chanichim have learned and what they remember! Thank you to all of the morim this session – that includes the Beit Midrash staff along with many other tzevet members who took the time to learn with our chanichim every morning.
The rest of the morning was peulot – everyone’s last ones for the summer
The afternoon was spent packing, followed by a last mifkad before a yummy dinner of hamburgers!
We had an awesome fireworks show as a beautiful send-off and the eidot will spend the night with their friends and counselors, schmoozing, eating their last snacks and watching movies (here’s hoping they drift off for a few hours…)
Machal had a day of packing and cleaning up as well. Then they made pizzas on their dairy grills and left camp for ice skating and ice cream. They had a closing circle, wrapping up the month and sharing all the lessons they learned from these very intense four weeks together. We are super proud of them and thank Elliot and Adina who gave them an unforgettable experience! We are looking forward to their first summer on tzevet in 2 years!!
While everyone is looking forward to seeing family and friends back home, there will be a lot of tears at the farewell mifkad in the morning with our directors Yakov and Estee, and then again as everyone loads the buses and says goodbye to each other. This was a great month and we want to say thank you again to everyone who made Moshevet Mamlechet Kohanim possible!!!! The countdown until Summer 2023 Session 1 begins tomorrow!
Over and out.