Friday July 6
“Boker Tov Sugar Grooove!!” And what a beautiful morning it was 🙂 Gorgeous blue skies and perfect temperature with no humidity. We celebrated over breakfast, and everyone was so excited to enjoy being outdoors today!!
And here is the hike-breakdown:
Eidah Aleph: the berry hike! Yum!
Eidah Vav: a trail we call “the Chutz Loop”
Eidah Bet: a trail that puts them at Perry’s shack for ice cream!!
Eidah Gimmel: a fun hike we call “The Purple mailbox”
Eidah Daled: Pike’s Rock Trail (sounds intriguing, right?)
Machal finally had a nice long hike in some beautiful weather – Heart’s Content.
No, that’s what it’s called 😉
Shabbat Shalom…we are looking forward to Shabbat #3 – full of spirited davening, singing and dancing… some sleep sounds great too!!!