Camp Blog

Friday Hike Day June 28

DATE: June 28, 2024

After learning about one of the shabbat zemirot (Yom Shabbaton) that was written by a famous Rabbi from our part of Jewish history (Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi) that we are studying, everyone was ready to head out for hike day!!

Well, everyone except Eidah Daled. They had woken up at 3 am and done a “night hike” with a shacharit at sunrise and were back in bed for a nap by the time everyone else left. When they woke up they had a picnic lunch down the road at Archery and then had an i ce cream dessert, a prize they won for picking up the most garbage around camp earlier in the week.

Kaytana – hike to a Perry’s ice cream shack (with some help from a bus!)

Alef- Berry Picking

Vav – Hike to “town” (the nearby park and gas station in the center of Sugar Grove

Bet – Hiking trail near camp

Gimmel – a water hike and then a stop at the Tops supermarket to spend some money on shabbat treats

Machal – they slept out at their chutz site last night, so today they had their never-ending brunch meal where they cooked and concocted all sorts of creative foods. They had competitons and contests for the best eggs, fanciest french toast etc and then came back to machane to shower and prepare for Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom everyone!!