Friday and Shabbat #2
We had a fun Friday with everyone making sandwiches at breakfast to our regular “Friday playlist” of songs. This once-a-week ritual is a favorite moment of the week for many campers. Ask your Campers about the sandwich-making playlist
Kaytana went berry-picking and we all enjoyed those strawberries at Seudah Shlishit. Everyone else hung out together at the ice skating rink in Jamestown, NY.
Machal had their never-ending breafast which allows everyone’s culinary creative juices to flow (pun intended) and then found out they’re going to Algonquin!! They left tonight, Motzei Shabbat and have an amazing week ahead of them!
Shabbat was beautiful, and we enjoyed some old camp alumni who were back visiting – one, Aaron Portman told the story at Seudah Shlishit!
Shavua Tov!