Today’s shiur was the big debate: Talmud Bavli vs. Talmud Yerushalmi …and why do we have two Talmuds anyway?? Our chanichim learned about the two communities – one in Eretz Yisrael and one over in Bavel – who were both growing and learning and developing haacha around the mishna. They were shown some differences in what these two Talmuds focus on and emphasize, and the younger eidot were shown a page of Gemara to have an intro/Geamra 101 experience.
Eidot Alef – Daled are out on the chutz with beautiful weather and are having THE best time!! So many photos coming!! They set up camp, played outside all afternoon and grilled burgers for dinner at their very own fire pits.
Kaytana had a great last day with raiding the shekem shack (ice cream and candy!!), watching an actual real-life Amish sheep shearing, a climbing wall activity, time to buy stoneware and a big carnival with blow up trampoline etc. We are so sad the Kaytana chanichim are leaving and are so looking forward to having them all here again in 11 and 1/2 months!
Machal drove to DC and visited some memorials (e.g. the Lincoln Memorial) and had a sicha about making a difference in the world. Tomorrow they will spend the day in D.C. To be continued ….