Monday July 5
It has been so weird around here – the schedule is saying crazy things, like aruchat eser (10:00 am snack) at 4:00 pm and shekem (afternoon treat) at 10:00. Plugah and Mitbach have been starting up with each other about which is the more important anaf in camp, and everyone just knows it is going to be color war any minute….
And then it happened. Color War was announced today in the afternoon – and it was announced that the two teams are PLUGAH and MITBACH, with campers on each team/side. The staff members were assigned the role of captains, instead of the traditional Eidah Daled captains. Some couldn’t believe it, but most got into the competition. Kids wore their colors (blue – mitbach, red-plugah), but the eidah daled campers wore black! They rebelled and demanded the color war they grew up with… The “fake-out” was working!!
The night tochnit was something we always do during color war – the Olympiada in Indoor World, a series of races and challenges. And then…they announced REAL COLOR WAR! It had all been a practical joke 🙂 Some said “I knew it” but most were shocked and surprised and just excited and happy to go back to the way it always has been!
We now have two days with eidah daled campers in charge – Melech vs. Navi (King vs. Prophet) – as the campers will present and build on many of the themes and stories we have been learning every day this month. They are pretty much experts on kings and prophets, so let the competition begin!! Campers with creative talent will be needed to write songs and short fun cheers, choreograph a boys’ rikud, create a stomp and paint signs and camp projects. Everyone is needed and will be enlisted!
Tomorrow’s schedule is full of games, sports, team meetings, marches, creative toranut designs for the Chadar Ochel and of course shiur. Everything is for points now!! Stay tuned for the play-by-play….Pictures are going to get wild!! Enjoy!