Sunday June 24
Shavua Tov to all of you parents missing your kids! And those of you who aren’t 😉 (I won’t tell them)
We had such a great Shabbat, although we needed raincoats for some of it…but we had so much ruach, shira, rikud and good food to keep us warm and happy. And let’s not forget chavrutot! One of the most special parts of our Shabbat schedule is the time every camper has after Shabbat lunch to learn with a member of tzevet. in 1-on-1 or 1-on-2, each child gets this special attention and a chance to learn or talk about whatever they would like. Seudah Shlishit singing was so strong and so unified, it felt like we were at our fourth shabbat already. You can tell that the campers have been waiting for this for 48 weeks!! We all heard a riveting story by Rabbi Adi Krohn, our Rosh Beit Midrash, about two Russian boys who joined BIL”U (pioneers whose goal was the agricultural settlement of the land) and made aliyah in the late 1800’s, only to be challenged with Arab pogroms and malaria.
Today’s schedule gave every bunk a peulah (activity) to work on their “bunk night” presentation which will be a wooden shelet (sign) AND a flag that represents their bunk name. The shiur this morning taught them, through examples of David and Boaz and Rut, how people have an impact on their surroundings and communities. Each of their bunk names was then studied, so they would understand who/what their bunk is named for and how that institution or person changed the face of Israel. We’ll see what they all come up with!!
Congrats to Boys bunk “Hebrew University” and Girls bunk “Menachem Begin” for winning nikayon on Friday! Every week, all of the bunks are checked before Shabbat and there is a winner from boys and girls for the cleanest bunk. A bus takes the winners to Friendly’s in Jamestown on Sunday for ice cream!!
Kaytana, after learning about Yaakov on Friday, is up to Yosef in their shiur and programming. So they made…tie-dye shirts, of course to celebrate and commemorate the “technicolor dream coat” 🙂 They also had “slip n’ slide” today as a peulah, which is always a favorite 🙂
Machal had a paint night last night (pictures on the camp website!) and went on a water hike today. Tonight, they are back in their tents in the great outdoors!!